Sunday 25 September 2011

On Heritage and A Dramatic Turn of Events (Opeth and Dream Theater)

Last weekend I picked up both the new Opeth and Dream Theater albums. Both are pretty exciting albums to me as they both marked big changes for each band. Opeth, with Heritage, move away from their famous sound into different waters. Dream Theater, with A Dramatic Turn of Events, have had one of their biggest line up changes ever with drummer and founding member Portnoy leaving the band.

Firstly, on to Heritage. I'm yet to look at the overall fan reaction in any depth, but I'm willing to predict a pretty big split in opinions. As I said before, this is a change for Opeth. The death metal growling has gone, but with a singer as good as Akerfeldt, it seems ridiculous to not like this. Musically, I'd hesitate to class most of this as metal. In fact, a lot of it comes across as more jazzy than metal.

Opeth have done a similar change of sound before. While Damnation wasn't quite to the same scale as Heritage, it definitely was a softer, growl free outing without the heavy riffs of most metal. Then, after that, they were back to classic Opeth with Ghost Reveries and Watershed. What's to say this won't be the same?

But still, for those Opeth fans that adore albums such as Blackwater Park, Ghost Reveries and Watershed for their heaviness, they're likely to be disappointed here. For those who like Opeth for their musical complexity, this album is surely a treat. Personally, I wouldn't mind if this was a glimpse of Opeth's future.

Dream Theater's A Dramatic Turn of Events is still, musically, very much Dream Theater, despite the departure of one of the main song writers. They've still managed to hold onto their signature sound. But, how does it compare?

Well, it's both different and familiar at the same time. While their last albums seemed to be focusing more on the heavier metal side of their music, this one seems to go back to their roots a little with more of a progressive feel. A Dramatic Turn of Events seems to have more in common with Images and Words and Scenes From a Memory than it does with Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds & Silver Linings.

With that said, this album is still a long shot from their classic sounds, but it's a step in the right direction. Keyboards once again have more of a focus, and the album is better for it. LaBrie seems to be putting his vocal abilities to wider use than on previous albums as well. Oh, and you can hear the bass.

A common complaint I've read from Dream Theater fans over the band's more recent albums is how they don't sound like their older ones. With this album returning somewhat to their roots, I'm hoping to see this complaint less. From what I've come to expect from Dream Theater fans, they'll find something to complain about. I don't think I've ever seen a fan base so split on opinion as Dream Theater's.

Both these bands have released exceptional albums, that much is clear. However, I wouldn't call either of them accessible from the initial listen. They're the kind of songs that grow on you. They're not the kind of songs you can just play and enjoy as background music. To really appreciate what these bands have accomplished you need to sit down and listen, really listen, to what they have achieved.

Thursday 15 September 2011

On Things that Annoy me about Superheroes (feat. terrible MS Paint art)

I enjoy a good superhero movie. They're good for some mindless escapism and light entertainment. I never really got into the comic side of it all, so some of this list will only relate to the movies.

Skintight Spandex Suits

Why was this ever considered a good way to clothe a super powered being? I can only assume that it's used by the heroes as an extra weapon against the villains.

The stick figure limbs probably don't express this as well as they could. This could be for the better.

Captain America

I'm sure I would probably enjoy this movie if I could bring myself to go and see it. To me though, he just seems outdated. He worked as a bit of war time propaganda (yay America!), but in the modern era, I dunno...

If they're going to keep him around, then I say give more countries a chance at being a superhero! Let's see Captain Australia! Just, you know, let an Australian design him or her so we can avoid the cliches...


Superheros need to be more flawed. Okay, sure, they're superheroes, they're meant to be better than us normal folk. In the interest of story telling though, it's a lot more interesting if the characters have a dark side. A tragic past. Or any other fact which makes them seem just a bit more human.

Fortunately, not all superheros are guilty of this one. And I think the Marvel universe less so than the DC one. Let's be honest though, in general, superheroes are pretty flawless individuals.

Especially Superman.

Screw Superman.

Secret Identities

I get it if a super hero wants to keep his identity secret. It makes sense. I have nothing against that, specifically. No, it's more the manner of how many of them keep it secret.

Superman just puts on a pair of glasses and all of a sudden NOBODY KNOWS WHO HE IS! Yeah. Right. According to the creators of Superman, everyone in the world must be stupid. I know people that wear glasses, as I'm sure everyone does. I still recognise them as the same person either with them, or without them.

Iron Man and the Green Lantern were refreshing, as far as this goes. Iron Man because Tony Stark doesn't give a damn if people know he's Iron Man. The Green Lantern because, even though he wore a face mask, the people that knew him still recognised him.


I hate Superman.

He's made to be perfect in every way. Ugh. He has his stupid secret identity, as mentioned above. He's better than a normal human in every single possible way. He's super fast. Super strong. Invincible.

What cheese.

But wait, I hear people saying, he's not invincible. He's weak to kryptonite! True, but what a terrible idea this is for story telling.

"I have a fantastic idea to beat Superman!"
"Does it involved kryptonite?"
"Why, yes, how did you know?"

What suspense! I had no idea that the villains super secret plan to defeat Superman would ever possibly involve kryptonite!

What cheese...

Radioactive stuff is good for you!

Why, it must be! Look at Spiderman. Radioactive spiders did wonders for his athleticism! The Human Torch has been the hottest man on the planet after bathing in Gamma Rays! Bruce Banner is saved all the effort of working out when he became The Hulk due to radiation!

Us normal folk would just get radiation sickness and cancer. These people get super powers. It hardly seems fair.

I ask you though, is this responsible of the creators of these franchises? Could they not be encouraging kids to expose themselves to radiation in order to develop super powers?

Hey, it's just as likely as video games turning people into murderers...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

On Hurts - Happiness

I first heard about Hurts when, earlier this year, I was posting a song for every day of the week on Facebook. Hurts happened to be my song for Sunday with their appropriately titled song, Sunday.

It's fair enough to say, out of all the songs I dug up that week, these guys left the biggest impression. They're a pop duo out of the UK, but they're nothing like the generic, manufactured pop stars that seem to fill the radio waves on most stations these days. Take a listen...

Agree? Disagree? They put on a good performance. Enjoyable, catchy music and a singer that puts a lot of more famous singers to shame, if you ask me. It performed well throughout Europe, charting in the top ten in many countries, and at least in the top 20 in many others.

Australia it topped at 77.

I feel it should have performed better. If it had got decent radio play, perhaps it could have. I mean, what's not to like? I can only guess because it didn't perform well in the US, they weren't keen on giving it a chance her. What a shame.

Groups like this deserve the popularity. Perhaps it will encourage more creativity and originality in popular music. It surely needs it.

So, if you like it, spread the word, tell your friends. Maybe, in time, music like this will be back in fashion. The sort of music that is about the talent, and not the looks, or the attitude. Music that has an impact emotionally. Music you can feel.

Another song to listen to.

I challenge anyone to come away from listening to that one and not feel somewhat more positive about, well, everything. This is the kind of emotionally deep music that should be popular.

What tops the charts here instead?

Rihanna singing about how whips and chains excite her.


Thursday 8 September 2011

The Waking

If it was fate that led me here, then she is indeed a cruel mistress, as they say. If I was following the path of destiny, then I've been walking the wrong road all my life. If some outer force had led me here, then someone, or perhaps something, must truly despise me.

The clock beside me ticked without pause, a ceaseless monotone counting down my final minutes. Before my eyes, light and dark intermixed, dancing savagely to a wicked tune. The clock ticked on, keeping beat to their dance.

I struggled to rise, to move into a sitting position, but my body would not obey. No matter how hard I tried, I could not force it to move. It was as if some other force was determined to keep me there. A dangerous thought crossed my mind. Perhaps it was I who did not want to move.

The passage of time had been lost to me. I could hear the clock; I knew it was beside me, yet I could not see it. I had no idea how long I had been lying there, and no idea of how much longer I'd be stuck for. All that I knew was that time was definitely passing. The monotone of the clock's mechanisms made me well aware of that.

I thought I heard someone crying my name, calling out to me. Were they trying to pull me free? I reached out with my mind, attempting to grasp a hold of and focus on whatever was calling my name. It called my name again and again, yet each time I tried, I failed to grasp a hold of salvation. Every attempt I made was blocked by the light and the darkness, going about their rapid dance.

My mind turned the intermingling light and dark into images. I saw people I recognized, that I'd grown with. People that had been through the hard parts of my life with me, as well as the happy parts. Childhood friends, parents, neighbours and other acquaintances all appeared in the dance of light and darkness and vanished as quickly as they had appeared. Each beat of the clock brought with it a new face. The clock, I feared, would be the last thing I would ever hear.

Again, the voice cried out my name and again, I failed to grasp it. Was there no salvation for me? Was I doomed to this fate, to the destiny laid before me by the ever-present clock? Was each tick, every tock, drawing me ever closer to the end? In vain, I struggled to grasp the voice, to focus on it, and only it. Yet, despite it seeming to grow louder, I was still held back by the dance before me. The cursed dance spurned onwards by the clock, the beat of time.

I felt a breeze, and images came to me. Was I in a room? Was there a window near me? A door perhaps? Uncontrolled, visions appeared before me. Could these be my memories? I saw a vision of a room, its size indefinite; the area beyond it's centre nothing more than a blur to my eyes. In what appeared to be the room's centre I lay, still and unmoving, my eyes unopened. Was I a ghost, looking down upon my own unbreathing body?

No, I could still hear the clock, ticking away to the passage of my life. I was sure I still lived. This was nothing more than some memory, some vision of the past. The image of my lying in the room vanished as the light and the dark moved in once more to resume their dance.

Again, the breeze blew over me, from somewhere to my right. I noticed, however, that it only seemed to blow over my face. Why couldn't I feel it over the rest of my body? Something must have been covering me, leaving only my head free. Once again, I tried to move my body, yet it wouldn't respond. My arms remained limp by my sides and my legs straight below me. Why couldn't I move?

Then it hit me. It was the only explanation that made any sense. I was sure that somehow, something had buried me beneath the ground, leaving only my head bare. Why had fate, that cruelest of mistresses, led me here? Why had the road of my destiny ended here? What despicable force so desired to torture me like this?

I could feel the force of the dirt's weight all around me now, pressing against me. Movement was impossible, so I gave up struggling. I tried opening my mouth to call for help, but no sound would come. No matter how hard I tried to open my eyes, all I could ever see was the dancing light and dark. The ever-present clock, ticking away my life, filled my ears with its monotone. How I wished it would stop.

Despair started to rise within me, dashing away any hope I had remaining. I was sure that I'd be trapped forever, the clock my only companion. I was doomed to an eternity of suffering, yet for what reason I did not know. No answers came to me as the despair swept through my soul, leaving me feeling cold and alone.

For a third time, the voice calling my name reached my ears. Instantly my despair gave way once more to hope. The voice was louder than ever. This time, harder than ever, I hoped for salvation. My mind reached out, hoping to grasp the voice calling me. It's familiarity brought with it the promise of comfort, of safety. I wanted nothing more than to respond to it, yet my mouth refused my wishes.

The bonds between the light and dark appeared to weaken, to give way. I seized this weakness and ripped the light and dark apart, scattering them to the void they came from. The clock, no longer keeping beat to their dance, became less of a focus in my mind. It faded away, still present, but not as omnipotent as it had been.

My eyes opened, and looked around the room I was in. To my right was my window, the blue curtains blowing in the breeze. To my left were shelves, stacked full of books and treasures I'd collected over my life. I lay in my bed, in the centre of my room, covered up to my head by my sheets.

I sat up slowly, rubbing at my still sleepy eyes. Elsewhere in the house, my mother called out my name, demanding I get out of bed. Waking up in the morning was always such a struggle.

Friday 2 September 2011

On Board Games and Movies

Battleship: The Movie.

Yes, this is a thing.


Sure to be next year's must see movie, Battleship asks the big questions. Why is there a random alien ship in the middle of the ocean? Why are they fighting aliens and not, you know, other ships, like in the game? And, the biggest of all; is this the end of Liam Neeson's career?

Seriously though... aliens? Why aliens? Has whoever wrote the script for this played a different version of Battleship than what I grew up with? Battleship is a game where two enemy fleets fire shots at random co-ordinates in the desperate hope they'll get lucky and hit something. Anything! Surely it can't have been that tricky to come up with a story incorporating this. But, no, we get aliens.

You can also presumably throw in some generic character growth where Admiral Neeson eventually comes to accept Sailor Hotshot as worthy of marrying his daughter. Probably cause he kills some alien that's about to kill the Admiral. Yay.

It seems to me that, rather than actually base the movie on the game, they've just come up with a story that has a naval fleet in it. Then, with the story done and filming underway, they've just attached the title 'Battleship' to it, and assured us all that it's very much absolutely based on the game. The game had aliens right? No? Oh, too late now.

And as for Admiral Neeson's quote at the end...

"Prepare to fire!"
"Sir, which weapons?"
"All of them."

No, Admiral Neeson, you're doing it wrong! You have to take turns firing, you can't just shoot everything at once! One shot at a time! And you didn't even give a co-ordinate! How are your officers going to know where to shoot.

You don't play Battleship very well at all Admiral Neeson...

Apparently Battleship is only going to be the first of a new run of movies based on games made/owned by Hasbro. Previous Hasbro titles to have received the movie treatment include Cluedo and Dungeons & Dragons. I can only imagine what the rest of this new batch might include...

Connect Four - Enter a dark, fantasy world where Light and Dark have warred for countless centuries. With the arrival of the Hero of the Light, things are looking up for the forces of good. But when the Legions of Darkness spawn their own Hero, the Hero of the Light must embark on an epic quest. His goal is to find the four Light Amulets and connect them together before the Hero of the Dark can do the same with the Dark Amulets. It's a race against time to win the war!

Hungry Hungry Hippos - Meet the Hippo family; Lizzie and Henry, the mother and father and their two sons, Homer and Harry. They're Hippos, and they're hungry! There's no longer enough food in the river they call home. Now they must set off on a journey to find a new home. But what will they eat along the way? No, Homer, don't eat Larry, he's a lion! Oh, you silly Hungry Hippos! Fun for all the family!

Twister - You want us to make a movie based off Twister? Didn't they already do that movie back in the 90s? Yeah, you know the one, team of people chasing storms around the US. It had that scene with the flying cow. Yeah, that's it! What? That's nothing to do with the game Twister? What the heck is Twister then? Oh, I see. And you want me to make that a movie? Can't I just go with the storms? No? Damn. How's this then:

In a dystopian future the government controls everything - right down to how you move. Everyday it's left foot on red, right foot on green, left foot on blue as Mark walks to work. Mark knows a wrong step invites only death, but what happens when he decides he'd rather place his right foot on yellow?

Guess Who? - A criminal mastermind has kidnapped 24 of the most wealthy and influential people in the world. The case arrives on Detective Lewis' desk, and he begins the investigation. To his surprise, the kidnapper e-mails him a list of 24 locations, each hiding one of the victims. In a cruel twist, however, the detective must unravel a series of clues to reveal the identity of who is held at each location. If his guess is wrong, the person he is trying to save will die. Can he save them all?

Monopoly - Welcome to Monopolopolis, the city where dreams are either made, or destroyed. Man on a Horse, Mr. Top Hat, Scottie Dog, Miss Thimble and Terri the Train Driver all come to the city with dreams of making it big in the real estate market. Man on a Horse quickly sets himself up as the city banker, enjoying his role of handing out and taking money, as well as occasionally slipping himself a bit extra for his personal use when no one else notices.

Mr. Top Hat spends a great deal of time complaining. Everyone seems to be working by a different set of rules to him. Back in his home town, everyone worked differently. He doesn't get how they do things in Monopolopolis.

Scottie Dog spends a great deal of time complaining about other people taking his money when he passes by their properties. He's very quick to cackle whenever he takes someones money though.

Miss Thimble is a very disorganised person. She spends all her time sorting out her property deeds, counting her money, then messing it all up and starting again.

Terri the Train Driver knows she's fighting a losing battle. Everyone else is way ahead of her in the property market. She doesn't even know why she bothered coming to Monopolopolis

At over 10 hours long this movie is not for the weak bladdered amongst us. The ending is a bitter disappointment. Nobody wins, the actors all just walk away bored. Fortunately, the audience has probably left long before this.

Features a special appearance by Admiral Neeson in his Battleship. No aliens though. Hopefully...

Monopolopolis is a fun word to write.

Mouse Trap - Matty and Mindy are two mice living in the house of crazy Professor Kittykins - the professor who is also a cat. When food starts to become scarce, Matty and Mindy are forced to leave their comfortable hole in the wall and brave the dangers of the professor's home. Can they navigate all the traps and make it to the food? What last, final trap does Professor Kittykins have in store? FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY*!

*Not including disgruntled, angst-ridden teens.

And that's as much as I dare to imagine right now. If anyone else has alternate ideas, or ideas for games I haven't mentioned, I'd love to hear them.