
Welcome, dear reader, to my blog. Please, stay, look around, and read whatever randomness comes out of my mind. If you enjoy yourself, or get a bit of a laugh, then my job is done.

But what, you might be wondering, is this blog all about? For the most part, I'll be using it to write about whatever comes to mind. So, expect a whole lot about music, writing, movies, books, and a decent smattering of randomness and humour throughout. I also wanted to use it as an outlet to encourage me to do more writing than I already do, so expect some postings of a more creative nature.

I'm going to try and stick to about 1-2 updates per week, minimum. More if I can.

The name 'Beneath the Blue' can mean whatever you'd like it to mean. Don't read into it, or read into it too much. I don't care!

As for your blogger, I go by the online name of Fabrael. I enjoy writing, reading, music, chatting, video games, anime and a whole lot more.

I spend most of my waking hours living in at least two to three different worlds. The real one, and the various ones that inhabit my mind. Quite often, the imaginative ones are far more interesting. I don't write as often as I should. A habit that I'm hoping to change. I would love to see my stories published one day, someday.

But then, wouldn't we all?